Happy Thanksgiving ... said no one ever

It truly is the little things ... like this horrific pug's tongue. I could write a book on everything that makes me sad or frustrated here in Thailand, but for the sake of the holiday, let’s try something a little different.
The unruly bowels I had for a couple weeks time that left me constrained to my restroom also left me a couple pounds lighter. I don’t see any Thanksgiving meals making those kind of promises to those who gather for the festivities, now do they? In fact, from what I can remember, they ensure quite the opposite.
Being perpetually lost on buses filled with Thais who don’t speak English left me with a better understanding of public transportation in Bangkok. Not only can I get to the BTS Mochit station, but I can also find my way to my friend’s apartment as well as the local grocery store. If that isn’t a Thanksgiving miracle, I simply don’t know what is.
All that business about being lonely, depressed and what have you have been slowly diminishing as I befriend more Thais. This has not only physically pushed me out of the circle that was my comfort zone, but I have also learned an abundance of new words. I can give simple directions, identify colors and, most importantly, say, “I’m single.”
While a knot remains tight in my throat for the meal and family I will be missing immensely this holiday season, I am thankful for this.
My family is healthy and safe. They are loved by many all over the world. They are doing amazing things in school. They are starting news careers. They are testing the waters of new relationships (I will meet Boinker one day). They are happy. I am happy. We all metaphorically dance in the joy we create for ourselves.
For those of you abroad and salivating at the idea of eating turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy … okay I need to stop. You get the point. For those of you missing out on this holiday, remember what it is actually all about. I am thankful I am safe in my apartment while the world is falling apart around me. I am thankful for the delicious spring rolls I had the privilege of enjoying with my fellow Thai teachers for lunch this afternoon. I am thankful my students had fun with my lesson plan today, running over one another to identify something as seemingly boring as chores on the board. The list could continue on, much like the book I referenced to writing earlier. For every fault I could dwell on, I am choosing to, now, focus on the backside or result of that fault.
For example, my students today were full of energy and had a hard time listening to me. I was happy for that energy: they are full, nourished and excited. Who couldn’t be happy about that?
I challenge all of you feeling as though there is nothing to be thankful for this holiday season to lift yourself up and keep going. Mourn for the atrocities that have become apart of everyday life but also relish in the joys that have become white noise.
“Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt.”